Snow White Bouquet

Snow White Bouquet

Indulge in the enchantment of our Snow White Bouquet – a breath-taking blend of sophistication and natural beauty. Immerse yourself in the purity of white roses, the delicate allure of white lilies, and the vibrant greenery, all elegantly arranged in a tasteful vase. This exquisite arrangement is a timeless expression of love and refinement, making it the perfect gift for any occasion.

Handcrafted by our skilled florists at, each petal is chosen with care to ensure not only visual appeal but also long-lasting freshness. The classic combination of white roses and lilies creates a harmonious bouquet that speaks volumes without uttering a word.

Whether you’re celebrating a special moment, expressing heartfelt sentiments, or surprising a loved one on Valentine’s Day, the Snow White Bouquet is your ideal choice. Our commitment to quality and timely delivery ensures that this floral masterpiece reaches its destination with the same-day flower delivery service.

Embrace the elegance of this timeless arrangement, brought to you by your trusted Florist in Lagos. Order the Snow White Bouquet online at, where every petal is crafted to perfection, creating moments that linger in the heart.




Medium Vase 

7 White Roses

2 White Lilies


1 Vase

Delivery Card Included. 


Large Vase 

12 White Roses

5 White Lilies


1 Vase

Delivery Card Included. 


Extra Large Vase Contains

15 White Roses

8 White Lilies


1 Vase

Delivery Card Included


Add Extra Treats

Why not add the perfect companion to this bouquet? A box of delicious premium chocolates and sweet treats, balloons, teddy bear, wine or fruit Basket. We have the perfect flowers and gift for all of life’s precious moments.


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 85,000.00 165,000.00

Available Options


Snow white bouquet of white flowers

Experience the Beauty of Fresh Flowers

In the heart of Lagos, our flower shop stands as a beacon of floral enchantment. The “Snow White Bouquet” showcases the artistry and passion we pour into each arrangement. Freshness is our promise, and this bouquet is no exception. Handpicked white roses and lilies are delicately arranged to create a harmonious composition that captivates the senses.


Florist in Lagos – Crafting Moments, One Petal at a Time

As your trusted florist in Lagos, we understand the significance of creating memorable moments through flowers. The “Snow White Bouquet” is a testament to our commitment to providing you with the finest floral experiences. Each petal is carefully chosen to ensure not just beauty but longevity, allowing your sentiments to flourish over time.


Roses and Lilies – A Classic Combination

The “Snow White Bouquet” features pristine white roses, symbolizing purity and eternal love. Paired with the graceful charm of white lilies, this arrangement emanates sophistication. The contrast of white against the vibrant greenery adds a touch of freshness, making it a versatile gift for various occasions.


Perfect for Every Occasion – Express Your Emotions in Every Petal

In all of life’s season from the celebration of love, to the celebration of life well spent or a new baby,  what better way to express your emotions than with the “Snow White Bouquet.” This arrangement speaks to every occasion through its timeless beauty. Surprise your special someone with a gesture that transcends words, delivered with care by our same-day flower delivery service.

Same Day Flowers – Prompt Delivery, Lasting Impressions

At, we understand the importance of timely deliveries. Our same-day flower delivery service ensures that the “Snow White Bouquet” reaches its destination promptly, preserving its freshness and impact. Whether you’re near our flower shop or miles away, your floral surprise will arrive just in time to make a lasting impression.

Flowers Near Me – Your Floral Haven in Lagos

If you’re searching for “flowers near me” in Lagos, look no further. is your floral haven, where the “Snow White Bouquet” and a myriad of other enchanting arrangements await to bring joy to your doorstep.


In the world of flowers, the Snow White Bouquet stands as a symbol of timeless beauty and love. Order online from and let the magic of fresh flowers create moments that linger in the heart.


Contact Us

Still unsure about your options? Chat via WhatsApp or call our friendly adviser on  +(234) 8088197311 or +(234) 7052983420


Flower and Balloon Company – Your Trusted Florist in Lagos, Nigeria

Snow White Bouquet |
20191004 1120521

Indulge White Bouquet – a blend of sophistication and beauty. . This arrangement is a timeless expression of love, making it the perfect gift for any occasion.

Product Brand: The Flower and Balloon Company

Product In-Stock: InStock

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Medium, Large, Extra Large