Roses,Lilies & Chrysanthemum Bouquet

This arrangement is made from Roses, Chrysanthemums, and Lilies presented in an attractive Gift Bag. A real stunner that is guaranteed to Wow anyone and it is perfect for any occasion.

This is a Medium Bag and it contains –

5 Red Roses

5 White Carnations

2 Stems Chrysanthemums

2 Stems Lilies

2 Stems Greenery

1 Gift Bag

Delivery Message Card Included.


For Large Bag-   Add  +NGN 25,000

Large Bag Contains

9 Roses

9 White Carnations

4 Stems Chrysanthemums

4 Stems Lilies

1 Gift Bag

Delivery Message Card Included.


For Extra Large Bag-   Add +NGN 40000

Extra Large Bag Contains

15 Red Roses

12 White Carnations

9 Stems Chrysanthemums

5  Stems Lilies

1 Gift Bag

Delivery Message Card Included


 65,000.00 135,000.00

Available Options