Pink Lady Bouquet

Pink Lady


Pink and White Roses Bouquet with gypsophila wrapped in cellophane. Send roses to Lagos, Nigeria. Our bouquets are expertly put together by qualified florist, with fast delivery to your loved ones.

This is a Medium Bag and it contains –

5 Pink Roses

5 White Roses

3 Stems Gypsophila

1 Gift Bag

Delivery Message Card Included.


For Large Bag-

Large Bag Contains

9 Pink Roses

6 White Roses

5 Stems Gypsophila

1 Gift Bag

Delivery Message Card Included.


For Extra Large Bag-

Extra Large Bag Contains

12 Pink Roses

10 White Roses

7 Stems Gypsophila

1 Gift Bag

Delivery Message Card Included.


Add Extra Treats

Why not add the perfect companion to this bouquet? A box of delicious premium chocolates and sweet treats, balloons, teddy bear, wine or fruit Basket. We have the perfect flowers and gift for all of life’s precious moments.


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The Flower & Balloon Company, your trusted florist in Lagos, Nigeria, where we specialize in crafting stunning floral arrangements for every occasion. Introducing our exquisite Pink Lady Bouquet, a handtied arrangement that epitomizes elegance and grace.

Inspired by the timeless beauty of nature, our Pink Lady Bouquet features a captivating blend of Cerise pink roses, White Roses, and delicate baby’s breath, expertly handcrafted into a mesmerizing arrangement. Each stem is carefully selected for its freshness and quality, ensuring a long-lasting display of beauty and fragrance.

Whether you’re celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or simply want to brighten someone’s day, the Pink Lady Bouquet is the perfect choice. Radiating with feminine charm and sophistication, this arrangement is guaranteed to leave a lasting impression on your recipient.

At Flower & Balloon Company, we pride ourselves on our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction. With same-day delivery available, it’s never been easier to send a thoughtful gift to your loved ones in Lagos and beyond.

Experience the joy of fresh flowers with Flower & Balloon Company. Shop our Pink Lady Bouquet today and let your heartfelt sentiments bloom.


Handcrafted by Skilled Florists

Our expert head florist, trained in the UK, is armed with over a decade of experience. She and her team pour their passion and creativity into every arrangement they craft. The Pink Lady rose bouquet is no exception. Meticulously arranged by our skilled hands, each rose is a testament to our commitment to delivering top-notch floral experiences.


Perfect for Bouquet For Every Occasion- Pink Lady Bouquet

Whether you’re celebrating a special anniversary, surprising a loved one on their birthday, or simply expressing your deepest emotions, the Pink Lady bouquet is a versatile choice. Its classic beauty makes it suitable for a wide range of occasions, and the carefully chosen flowers ensure a lasting impression.


Fast and Reliable Delivery

We understand the importance of timely delivery, especially when it comes to expressing your sentiments through flowers. With our same-day delivery service in Lagos, Nigeria, you can trust that the Pink Lady bouquet will reach its destination at the peak of freshness, ready to make hearts flutter.


Contact Us | Same-Day Flower Delivery in Lagos, Nigeria

Still unsure about your options? Chat via WhatsApp or call our friendly adviser on +(234) 8088197311 or +(234) 7052983420

Flower and Balloon Company – Your Trusted Florist in Lagos, Nigeria.

Pink Lady Bouquet |
Pink Roses with gypso

Looking for same day Flower delivery across Lagos?. Flower and Balloon Company are the premiere florist in Nigeria. Order bouquet from our flower shop in Lagos.

Product Brand: The Flower and Balloon Company

Product In-Stock: InStock

Additional information


Medium, Large, Extra Large