Warm Wishes-Red, White Rose Mix

 155,000.00 325,000.00

Warm Wishes Bouquet:  Red, White Roses and Alstroemeria

Indulge in the beauty of our Warm Wishes Bouquet, an exquisite arrangement thoughtfully crafted by our skilled florists at flowerandballooncompany.com. This radiant ensemble features a harmonious blend of Red and White Roses, accompanied by the delicate allure of Alstroemeria and lush greenery, all elegantly presented in a vase.



Medium Vase

7 Red Roses

3 White Roses

3 Stems Alstroemeria


1 Vase

Delivery Card Included.


Large Vase

12 Red Roses

6 White Roses

7 Stems Alstroemeria


1 Vase

Delivery Card Included.


Extra Large Vase

15 Red Roses

9 White Roses

5 Stems Alstroemeria


1 Vase

Delivery Card Included.


Add Extra Treats

Why not add the perfect companion to this bouquet? A box of delicious premium chocolates and sweet treats, balloons, teddy bear, wine or fruit Basket. We have the perfect flowers and gift for all of life’s precious moments.


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red and white rose mix in a vase flowers

Embrace the Radiance: Red, White Rose Mix

Experience the warmth of heartfelt wishes embodied in our signature creation – the Warm Wishes Bouquet.  A dazzling combination of Red, White Rose mix, Alstroemeria, and lush greenery elegantly arranged in a vase, this enchanting ensemble is a testament to the artistry of our top UK qualified Florist in Lagos.

The “Warm Wishes Bouquet” is a symphony of colour and emotion, where the passion of Red Roses meets the purity of White Roses. Each petal carries a message of love, making this bouquet an ideal choice for expressing affection on occasions like Valentine’s Day, anniversaries, or as a gesture of appreciation on Mother’s Day.


A Dance of Elegance with Alstroemeria

Adding to the allure are the delicate Alstroemeria flowers, known for their symbolism of friendship and mutual support. The vivid colours complement the Red, White Rose Mix, creating a harmonious blend that appeals to both the eye and the heart. Alstroemeria’s longevity ensures that your warm wishes endure, just like the lasting bonds they represent.


With Lush Greenery: A Touch of Nature’s Tranquillity

Nestled amidst the blooms is a selection of vibrant greenery, providing a natural backdrop that enhances the visual appeal of the bouquet. Our Florist in Lagos understands the importance of these finishing touches, ensuring that every arrangement reflects the beauty found in nature’s embrace.


Florist in Lagos – Where Every Flower Tells a Story

As your trusted Florist in Lagos, we take pride in curating floral experiences that transcend ordinary gifting. The Warm Wishes Bouquet- Red White Rose Mix is more than an arrangement; it’s a story told through the language of flowers, offering a connection between the sender and the recipient.


Order Red, White Rose Mix  For Same Day Flowers – Prompt Delivery, Lasting Impressions

With our same-day flower delivery service, the Warm Wishes Bouquet can swiftly convey your sentiments, ensuring that your warm wishes reach their intended recipient in Lagos promptly. Whether you’re celebrating a special occasion or simply want to brighten someone’s day, our timely delivery service ensures the magic of fresh flowers is never delayed. Order online by 2pm for same day delivery.


Flowers Near Me – Your Local Floral Destination in Lagos

If you’re searching for “flowers near me” in Lagos, look no further. Flowerandballooncompany.com is your local floral destination, where the Warm Wishes Bouquet- Red, White Rose Mix  and an array of enchanting arrangements await. Order online and let your warm wishes blossom into radiant moments.


On a Last Floral Note

Elevate your gifting experience with the “Warm Wishes Bouquet” – a masterpiece crafted with love and expertise, ready to convey your warmest sentiments. Order now from Flowerandballooncompany.com, where each bloom is a brushstroke in the canvas of your emotions.


Contact Us

Still unsure about your options? Chat via WhatsApp or call our friendly adviser on +(234) 8088197311 or +(234) 7052983420


Flower and Balloon Company – Your Trusted Florist in Lagos, Nigeria.

Additional information


Medium, Large, Extra Large