Pink Lady Rose Bouquet


Pink Lady Rose Bouquet

A timeless classic arrangement with beautiful pink and white roses paired with pearly Gypsophila. This bunch of flowers also includes a touch of greenery. This bouquet with its long-lasting stems will light up any room for days to come. Make a lasting impression with our enchanting pink lady rose bouquet.

It is the perfect birthday flower gift or anniversary, or  surprise gift for someone special.

Check out our anniversary flowers, romance flowers and other special occasion flower range that make the perfect surprise gift.


    • 10 Pink Roses
    • 5 White Roses
    • 5 Gypsophilia
    • 5 Greenery
    • Also Includes a delivery gift card. Personalise your gift card with a short message


Add Extra Treats

Why not add the perfect companion to this bouquet? A box of delicious premium chocolates and sweet treats, balloons, teddy bear, wine or fruit Basket. We have the perfect flowers and gift for all of life’s precious moments.


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Unlock Romance with Elegance: A Rose Bouquet of Pink and White Roses with Gypsophilia

In the heart of Lagos, Nigeria, The Flower and Balloon Company brings you a masterpiece of floral artistry – our signature bouquet named “Pink Lady Rose Bouquet.” This breath-taking arrangement features 12 delicate pink and white roses, thoughtfully paired with the ethereal beauty of Gypsophilia. Let us take you on a journey through the enchanting world of this captivating floral ensemble.

The Elegance of Pink and White Roses

Imagine a bouquet that embodies the very essence of elegance and charm. The pink and white roses in our rose bouquet are carefully selected for their exquisite beauty and symbolic meaning. Pink roses, with their gentle hues, convey admiration, gratitude, and sweetness, while the pristine white roses symbolize purity and new beginnings. Together, they create a harmonious blend of colors that speaks to the heart.

Elegant Petals and Whispers of Gypsophilia

Adding a touch of enchantment to this bouquet is the delicate Gypsophilia, commonly known as Baby’s Breath. These tiny, cloud-like clusters of white blooms create an airy and whimsical feel, enhancing the overall grace of the arrangement. Gypsophilia symbolizes everlasting love, making it a perfect companion to the timeless beauty of roses.

Handcrafted by Skilled Florists

Our expert head florist, trained in the UK is armed with over a decade of experience. She and her team pour their passion and creativity into every arrangement they craft. The Pink Lady rose bouquet is no exception. Meticulously arranged by our skilled hands, each rose is a testament to our commitment to delivering top-notch floral experiences.

Perfect for Rose Bouquet Every Occasion

Whether you’re celebrating a special anniversary, surprising a loved one on their birthday, or simply expressing your deepest emotions, the Elegant Expression bouquet is a versatile choice. Its classic beauty makes it suitable for a wide range of occasions, and the carefully chosen flowers ensure a lasting impression.

Fast and Reliable Delivery

We understand the importance of timely delivery, especially when it comes to expressing your sentiments through flowers. With our same-day delivery service in Lagos, Nigeria, you can trust that the Elegant Expression bouquet will reach its destination at the peak of freshness, ready to make hearts flutter.

The Flower and Balloon Company Promise

At The Flower and Balloon Company, we take pride in sourcing our flowers directly from trusted growers around the world. This ensures that every petal in our bouquets is of the highest quality. We stand by the freshness and longevity of our arrangements, promising an experience that goes beyond expectations.

Order Your Pink Lady Rose Bouquet Today

Immerse yourself in the world of romance and sophistication with our Elegant Expression bouquet. Order online with ease, and let our blooms become the messengers of your deepest emotions. For anniversaries, birthdays, or those “just because” moments, this bouquet is a timeless expression of love. Choose The Flower and Balloon Company – where every petal tells a story, and every arrangement is a work of art.

Pink Lady Rose Bouquet |
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Our Pink Lady Rose Bouquet with beautiful pink and white roses paired with pearly Gypsophilia and a touch of greenery. The perfect flower gift. Order Online Now

Product Brand: The Flower and Balloon Company

Product In-Stock: InStock

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