Easter is the Christian celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Easter takes place on a Sunday, after the 40 day period called Lent. Lent is referred to as a time of fasting.
The name Easter owes its origin to Eostre or Eastre, an Anglo-Saxon goddess of light and the dawn who was honored at pagan festivals celebrating the arrival of spring.
The Tradition of giving eggs at Easter dates back to the Egyptians, Persians, Greeks and Romans for who the egg symbolizes life. An egg is also a symbol of the rock tomb out of which Christ emerged when he arose again. Baby Chicks hatching out of the egg symbolizes new life or rebirth.
Giving gifts at Easter and the types of gifts varies depending on budget. this can range from easter chocolate to elaborate food hampers.
growing Trend in Nigeria for children especially in schools. Children make colorful Easter baskets and Hats. Grownups give their children, family and friends Chocolate gifts, Fruit Baskets and Balloon Gifts as Easter presents. The Easter egg hunt is also great fun during Easter celebrations.
In other parts of the world children receive an average of 9 Easter Eggs during Easter, this makes up double the recommended intake of their calorie for a week!
Flowers and Plants also have significant meanings during Easter. Daffodils and Tulips symbolize spring and new life, Palm Branches represents when Jesus arrived in Jerusalem on the first Palm Sunday, Easter Lilies symbolize the Purity of Jesus and when they are emerging from the earth they represent the resurrection of Christ.
The Butterfly is one of the most significant symbols of Easter. Its whole life cycle is said to symbolize the life of Jesus, starting from the caterpillar stage which stands for his life on earth. The second stage- the cocoon stage portrays the crucifixion and burial of Jesus while the butterfly stage represents Jesus’ resurrection in a glorified body.
Lastly, don’t forget to visit our website for an array of beautiful and affordable Easter gifts and Hampers,Easter Balloons and Easter flowers in Lagos Nigeria. Buy online– www.flowerandballooncompany.com
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