Lily and Chrysanthemum Basket

Send the perfect flowers to your loved ones in Lagos, Nigeria. Beautiful Lilies and Chrysanthemums expertly arranged in a clear vase by qualified florists. Perfect flowers.


This is a Medium Basket ( As shown on Image) contains –

5 Stems Stargazer Lilies

3 Stems Spider Chrysanthemums

3 Stems Greenery

1 Woven Basket

Delivery Message Card Included.


Large Basket-

9 Stems Stargazer Lilies

5 Stems Spider Chrysanthemums

5 Stems Greenery

1 Woven Basket

Delivery Message Card Included.


Extra Large Basket

12 Stems Stargazer Lilies

7 Stems Spider Chrysanthemums

10 Stems Greenery

1 Large Woven Basket

Delivery Message Card Included.

Why not add a box of chocolate from our selection of chocolate treats and beautiful balloons to make this gift even more special.
Still unsure about your options? Chat via WhatsApp or call our friendly adviser on +2348088197311 or +2347052983420.




 125,000.00 225,000.00

Available Options